Dale Carnegie, known as 'the arch-priest of the art of making friends', pioneered the development of personal business skills, self-confidence and motivational techniques. His books - most notably How to Win Friends and Influence People - have sold tens of millions worldwide and, even in today's changing climate, they remain as popular as ever.
Robert Schuller promotes 'Possibility Thinking' for success by building a positive self-image and facing obstacles with courage and creativity. He emphasizes the importance of perseverance, positive attitude, and finding solutions in every problem. Life's challenges can be turned into blessings with the right mindset and actions.
Life Lessons From The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari offers 101 simple solutions to life's complex problems, guiding readers to a new way of living with meaning and joy. The book shares wisdom on beating stress, enjoying the journey, and creating a lasting legacy. Live a life that makes the world cry when you die, as per an ancient Sanskrit saying.
A book offering 8 practical lessons for leaders to boost morale, loyalty, and productivity while enhancing personal fulfillment. Written as a fable, it aims to inspire leaders to make a positive impact and leave a lasting legacy.
Allan and Barbara Pease delve into gender differences in "Why Men Don't Listen and Women Can't Read Maps," using brain research and social evolution to explain communication and relationship dynamics, offering insights on bridging the gap between the sexes.