Follow your heart like Ritu Karidhal, the Rocket Woman of India, Divyanshu Ganatra, India's first solo paraglider despite losing his sight, and Supraja Dharini, the Turtle Doctor who saved 18 lakh baby turtles. They conquered fears to achieve dreams, showing anything is possible.
Dadubhai shares thrilling tiger stories from Indian forests, including a tiger interrupting a cricket match and a man sheltering with a tiger in a storm. He also tells the legend of Bon Bibi battling a fierce tiger adversary. These tales highlight the majesty of tigers and teach respect for wildlife to young readers.
Lord Vishnu, a powerful deity in Hindu mythology, takes on different forms to protect the world from evil. "Da vat ra" retells stories of his ten avatars, showcasing his timeless miracles and battles against demons. The book features dazzling illustrations and captivating narratives of gods, warriors, and mythical creatures.