Continuation of Ron Wijewantha's Dependent Origination discussion in Road to Liberation. Explores Pa iccasamupp da with Four Noble Truths, Four Foundations of Mindfulness, vipassana meditation, and suttas for transcendence.
All of Us: Beset by Birth Decay and Death. This booklet contains transcriptions of talks by the Buddhist nun Ayya Khema. It is for all people who seek liberation from suffering and desire true happiness.
1. Analysis of Perfections 2. The Ten Perfections 3. Perfection of Generosity 4. Perfection of Morality 5. Perfection of Renunciation 6. Perfection of Wisdom 7. Perfection of Energy 8. Perfection of Patience 9. Perfection of Truth 10. Perfection of Resolution 11. Perfection of Loving-kindness 12. Perfection of Equanimity
In-depth study and translation of the Bhikkhu Patimokkha, the code of Discipline for Buddhist monks. Includes Pali text translation, critical edition, technical term discussions, structural analysis, and comparisons with other Buddhist schools. Suited for monks and those studying the Patimokkha deeply.
An Analysis of the Pali Canon provides a detailed overview of the Tipitaka, including an index of suttas, bibliography, and a reference table of Pali literature listing works, authors, and origins.